Assoc. Prof.
Sumeyra YAKAR
University of Exeter
2014 - 2019
DoctorateArap ve İslami Çalışmalar
Tez Adı: The implicit role of custom ('urf) in The Islamic jurisprudence of Saudi Arabia and Iran: a comparative legal study of mu'āmalāt (marriage and divorce rules)
University of Exeter {England}
2013 - 2014
Tez Adı: Examining the Impact of Culture on the Implementation of Sharī'a Law in Iran and Saudi Arabia
2010 - 2011
Tez Adı:
2009 - 2011
Tez Adı: Alevilikte Hak, Muhammed, Ali inancı
2006 - 2009
Tez Adı:
Year: | Article Title | Scope | Author(s): | Journal Name: | Volume: | Issue: | Link: |
2021 | The Implicit Role of Custom (‘Urf) in the Islamic Jurisprudence of Saudi Arabia and Iran: A Comparative Legal Study of Mu‘āmalāt (Marriage and Divorce Rules) (Suudi Arabistan ve İran Şer‘ī Hukuk Sistemlerinde Örfün (‘Urf) Dolaylı Rolü: Mu‘āmalāt Alanında Karşılaştırmalı Yasal Çalışma (Evlilik ve Boşanma Hükümleri) ) | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | ULUM | 4 | 1 | |
2021 | The Integrationist Policy of Diyanet towards Sectarian Diversity (Mezhep farklılıklarına karşı diyanetin bütünleştirici politikası) | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA, YAKAR EMİNE ENİSE | Bilimname | 2021 | 44 | |
2021 | Review of Rewriting Islamic Law: The Opinions of the ʿUlamā towards Codification of Personal Status Law in Egypt by Tarek Elgawhary | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Marjaʿiyya and Society: A special issue of the Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam","Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam | 2 | 1 | |
2020 | A Critical Comparison between the Classical Divorce Types of Ḥanbalī and Ja‘farī Schools(Klasik Hanbeli ve Caferi Mezheplerinde Uygulanan Boşanma Türlerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi) | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA,YAKAR EMİNE ENİSE | darulfunun ilahiyat | 31 | 2 | |
2019 | The Usage of Custom in the Contemporary Legal System of Saudi Arabia: Divorce on Trial | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Kilis 7 December University Journal of Theology | 11 | 11 | |
2021 | The Critical Analysis of Taha Jabir al-Alwani\u2019s Concept of Fiqh al-Aqalliyyāt | International | YAKAR EMİNE ENİSE, YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Hitit İlahiyat Dergisi | 20 | 1 | |
2020 | The Consideration of Bid‘a Concept according to Saudi and Iranian Scholars | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Mazahib Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam | 19 | 2 | |
2020 | Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi | 61 | 1 | |
2021 | The Symbolic Relationship between ‘Ulamā’ and ‘Umarā’ in Contemporary Saudi Arabia (Suudi Arabistan'daki Alim ve Yöneticiler Arasındaki Sembolik Bağlantı) | International | YAKAR EMİNE ENİSE, YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Ortadoğu Etütleri | 13 | 1 | |
2019 | Maha A. Z. Yamani. Polygamy and Law in Contemporary Saudi Arabia. Reading, UK: Ithaca Press, 2008, 275 pages. | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi | 57 | 57 | |
2020 | The Diachronic Analysis of Interactive Relation between ‘Urf and Sīra ‘Uqalāiyya in the Ja‘farī School of Law [Caferi Mezhebinde Örf ve Sīra ‘Uqalāiyya (Akla Dayalı Çıkarım) Delilleri Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zamansal Analizi] | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi | 7 | 2 | |
2022 | The Connection between the Interpretation of Islamic Law and Context in Iran | National | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Türkiye İran Araştırmaları Dergisi | 1 | 1 | |
2022 | The Approach of the Fiqh Council of North America towards Identity Problems of Contemporary Muslim Minorities | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA, YAKAR EMİNE ENİSE | Method and Theory in the Study of Religion | 34 | | |
2022 | Gökhan Bacik: Islam and Muslim Resistance to Modernity in Turkey | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Boas Insight | 2 | 1 | |
Year: | Paper Title | Scope: | Author(s): | Event Name: | Link: |
2021 | THE COSTRUCTIVE EFFECTS OF OTTOMAN IDEOLOGICAL MOVEMENTS IN THE CONTEMPORARY TURKEY | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | 9th International Conference on Culture and Civilization | |
2021 | Interpretation of Islamic Law from Past to Present in Saudi Arabia | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Religion and Cultural Change Conference | |
2021 | İslam Hukukunda Bir Terim Olarak Vakıf ve Değişen Uygulamalar | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | 5. Tarih ve Kültür Kongresi | |
2021 | The Inner and Outher Dimensions of the Three Pillars of Islam: Praying, Fasting, and Almsgiving | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | International Paris Conference on Social Sciences VI | |
2021 | The Attempt of Eliminating International Pressure by Enhancing the Women Status in Saudi Arabia | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | IAPSS Virtual World Congress: Democracy, Identity, and Power | |
2020 | The USage of Sectarian Religious Interpretations in Iran and Saudi Arabia | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Sectarianism, Communitarianism and the State | |
2019 | The outcome of the concept of innovation (bid‘a) in religious interpretations of Saudi andIranian scholars | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Religion Culture Society Summer School | |
2019 | The Connection between Qom Seminaries and Interpretation of Sacred Sources in Ja‘farī Jurisprudence | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA,YAKAR EMİNE ENİSE | International Conference on Islam and Philosophy | |
2018 | The typical inference of custom in the Jurisprudence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | BRAIS Conference 2018 | |
2018 | The influence of custom in the sharī‘a rules for the sphere of mu‘āmalāt (social relations) with reference to various implementations in Saudi Arabia and Iran | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Uses of the Past in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice Autumn School | |
2018 | The Usage of Custom in the Contemporary Legal System of Saudi Arabia: Divorce on Trial | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Tradition Evolution and Revoluation in the Middle East and North Africa | |
2018 | The Right of Woman to Initiate Divorce in the Jurisprudence of Iran: An Analysis of Court Case | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies | |
2017 | The Influence of Custom in the Saudi Legal System | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Medeniyet ve Birlikte Yaşama Kültürü Sempozyumu | |
2015 | Cultural differences of marriage and divorce laws between Iran and Saudi Arabia | National | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | Humanities PGR Conference 2015 | |
2015 | Culture and Jurisprudence in Islamic Law: Fatwas on women driving in Saudi Arabia | International | YAKAR SÜMEYRA | GW4 Understanding Religion and Law |
Year | Book Title | Chapter: | Contribution Level: |
2017 | Ri'āset al-Shu'ūn al-Dīniyye fī Turkiyya: Adwār wa Taḥawwulāt | Tümü | |
2017 | The Transformational Process of the Precidency of Religious Affairs in Turkey | Tümü | |
2021 | The Modern Muslim World: The Implicit Role of Custom ('Urf) in the Islamic Jurisprudence of Saudi Arabia and Iran, A Comparative Legal Study of Mu'amalat | Tümü | |
2021 | Alevilikte İnanç | Tümü |
Year | Dissertation Title | Author: | Type: | Status: |
Academic Year | Course Title | Educational Level: |
2020-2021 | Yabancı Dil (İngilizce) | Bachelor Degree |
2020-2021 | İslam Hukuku II | Bachelor Degree |
2020-2021 | İslam Hukuku I | Bachelor Degree |
2020-2021 | Caferi İlmihali | Bachelor Degree |
2020-2021 | İslam Hukukuna Giriş | Bachelor Degree |
2020-2021 | İslam Hukuk Usulü II | Bachelor Degree |
2020-2021 | İslam Hukuk Usulü I | Bachelor Degree |
2018-2019 | İslam Hukuku II | Bachelor Degree |
2018-2019 | İslam Hukuku I | Bachelor Degree |
2019-2020 | Mukayeseli İslam Hukuku II | Bachelor Degree |
2018-2019 | Pratik İslam Hukuku I | Doctorate |
2018-2019 | Mukayeseli İslam Hukuku I | Bachelor Degree |
2019-2020 | İslam Hukuku II | Bachelor Degree |
2019-2020 | İslam Hukuku I | Bachelor Degree |
2018-2019 | Pratik İslam Hukuku I | Master |
Course Title | 1. Week: | 2. Week: | 3. Week: | 4. Week: | 5. Week: | 6. Week: | 7. Week: | 8. Week: | 9. Week: | 10. Week: | 11. Week: | 12. Week: | 13. Week: | 14. Week: |
Project Title | Task: | Type: |
Patent Title | Inventors: | Category: | Scope: |
Year | Award Name | Institution: | Type: | Description: |
Institution | Status |
Date | Task | Unit: | Expiration Date: |